Expert reveals how to spot a fake designer bag. In a world where a designer dupe can be delivered to your door in days, how can you spot the signs of a fake?
From the stitching to the cut of the fabric, Patrick Dever, Director at Hey Discount, reveals the signs you need to look out for.
How to spot a fake designer bag:
The price is too good to be true: While designer bags can
be discounted, they will never be sold for clearance price – if the original cost was around £1000, you wont be able to find the same bag for £50.
Poor stitching and material: A good way to spot a fake designer
bag is by looking at the stitch work â if its uneven and sloppy youre definitely dealing with a fake bag.
brand logo: A counterfeit bags logo will look different
from the original brand logo â pay attention to the small details, such as the lettering and the logos placement.Make sure you are familiar with the peculiarities of the brands logo.
Different styling: Bags that come in styles and colors that arent
sold in official designer stores are counterfeit bags, even though some dealers will try to sell it to you as a rare model.
No authenticity documentation: Designer bags are usually
sold with an authenticity card, so make sure to check you have received one with the bag youve purchased.
What to do when you realize youve been sold a fake designer bag:
Demand a full refund for the counterfeit bag trying to return the item to the seller. In case the seller refuses to reimburse you for the counterfeit item and the payment was made by card you can look into using the chargeback scheme or making a section 75 claim to get your money back.
You can file a fraud report by filing a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission.