Fab Secrets

Fab Event news: Girls Night Out Los Angeles hosted by Shecky�s on Friday May 31st

Ladies get ready for Girls Night Out hosted by Skecky�s. Come join them in Los Angeles, and�discover unique designers,�sip our delectable drinks, and�cap your night with some pretty pampering and glorious Goodie Bags.�The event will take place in�Los Angeles, CA�on�Friday, May 31st from 5:00pm – 10:00 pm.�Current and past brand partners Include:�Smirnoff,�Veet,�Sweet n Low,�Maybelline,�La Croix,�America Laser,�Neutrogena,�Ford Fusion,�Rosa Regale, L�Oreal�and�Conair.

Housed under one roof,�Shecky�s�Girl�s Night Out�is the ultimate night of getting together with your friends to discover the following:

����������Dating/flirting seminars

����������Emerging and established fashion and accessory designers

����������Experience beauty services (hair, makeup and skincare)

����������Complimentary cocktails

����������Gift bag boasting samples for at-home experiences

Link into their world here at http://www.sheckys.com/events/8830/girls-night-out-los-angeles-spring-2013/


California Market Center

110 East Ninth Street (at Main) (Penthouse)

Downtown Los Angeles, 90079


Shecky�s�Girl�s Night Out was started in December of 2001 as a launch party for our book, �The Girl�s Guide to New York Nightlife�.�Shecky�s�was based in Tribeca when the 9/11 attacks occurred and had just received the shipment of their books. Facing possible bankruptcy due to our office being closed and the reduction of business, we decided to try and bring our new book to life by creating the live version of what the book was based Shopping, cocktails, goodies, services and discovering new things in NYC. The event was an instant overwhelming success at which point we decided to create a permanent event based on this subject. Since December 2001,�Shecky�s�Girl�s night Out has become a staple in major cities around the country having served well over 1 million girl�s in 12 markets with each event consisting of 1500 + girl�s per night with approximately 46 event nights per year

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