Jill Milan creates exquisite luxury handbags, made at our Italian atelier.Jill Milan creates exquisite handbags, belts and other accessories. All bags are vegan, made in Italy, and feature hardware that is handmade by a jewelry artisan. Handbags offer handmade hardware, hand-stitching, and the highest quality Italian craftsmanship.
Jill Milan donates a portion of proceeds from the sale of certain bags to non-profits that rescue thoroughbreds at-risk of going to slaughter. Jill Milan is a celebrity favorite and has been carried on the red carpet by Anne Hathaway, Eva Longoria, Jennifer Lawrence, Kerry Washington, and many other celebrities. Link into her site at http://www.jillmilan.com
We know this handbag wold be perfect for you this Holiday season. This carryall bag has a zippered pocket, two open pockets for mobile devices or keys, and an adjustable shoulder strap. The drawstring closure features metal end caps and the bottom is supported by 5 metal feet.