Fab Secrets

Peripeti Candles Are A Great Gift For This Holiday

Say yes to Peripeti candles – the brand is a life-style company that stems from a love of positively affecting our environment– whether work or home– we are all for enjoying the small things in life and making the most of each day. We do this by encouraging and supporting other small businesses and new initiatives, being an active part of our community, and making the most of the wonderful friends and family surrounding us!�

Stemming from their creative interests and desire to effect change comes our line of quality handmade soy candles. They are boutique quality, eco-friendly, handmade little soy creations to brighten your home or office!�

Scent is the strongest sense and fragrance is a powerful mental and emotional stimulant. It can quickly change mood, attitude, and outlook for ourselves and for those around us– which fits into the definition of Peripeti and why we focus on home fragrance! Check out their Seasonal Fragrances (Pumpkin & Ginger, Cypress & Jasmine, Holiday Hearth. We love the meaning of the product name -�\pe-ri-pe-t?\- a turning point or point of change – http://www.peripetihome.com/

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