Priyanka Chopra, Vanity Fair Party, Her Fab Blue Dress. This style diva wore a Casa Reale diamond ring at the Vanity Fair and L’Oreal Paris Girl Rising Benefit. Casa Reale was founded in 2013 by Joseph Yushuva, founder and partner in jewelry manufacturer JPM Brothers since 1996, known throughout the jewelry industry as a leader in production of exquisite fashion jewelry. Joseph’s expertise and connections led to the creation of Casa Reale, a signature fashion jewelry brand crafted to be a bold statement in luxury and royal artistry. Casa Reale has been sold internationally in some of the worlds most renowned jewelers in the United States, Dubai and Moscow and has been worn by both royalty and celebrities. The designs of Casa Reale are crafted to be a statement in luxury and glamour, unmistakably creative and made for the woman who is bold, confident and loves to be noticed. Link in visit
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